5 min readApr 7, 2021


10 Ways to Create a Natural, Fresh Look

Helpful Beauty Tips + Beauty Calendar

Photo by Diana Akhmetianova on Unsplash
  1. Drink Water and Eat your Fruits and Veggies

I cannot begin to stress how beautiful a hydrated face looks, so much money spent on Botox could be avoided by a nourishing diet. Alkaline water helps to neutralize any acidic environment which supports growth of unwanted bacteria on the skin or otherwise. Fruits and veggies in the morning are hydrating and also have alkalizing effects.

What we put in our body is definitely directly correlated to the health of our skin- for some people the effects are immediate and for others the effects only appear after long-term habits, nevertheless the effects are the same. So if you want to love on your skin, nourish it by starting on the inside and finishing on the outside.

2. Cleansers

Cleansers with citric acid and EDTA help to soften skin (and hair). They are also known as chelating agents, which bind to minerals in hard water that can dry out our skin. Salicylic acid helps to remove dead skin cells and provide gentle exfoliation. Products don’t need to be expensive but it’s helpful to look for key ingredients depending on what your skin needs. Do your research and don’t be distracted by marketing and packaging.

Helpful/Budgeting Tip:

Any plain antibacterial soap will cleanse face thoroughly and gently. Add almond oil to give your skin a little extra treat.

3. Moisturizing and Hyaluronic Acid

Moisturizing is so key when it comes to our skin preservation. Products with hyaluronic acid are perfect for those of us who live in humid climates because it helps the skin to pull in moisture from the environment.

Unfortunately, this does not produce the same effect in dry climates.

For those who live in all climates, any products that contain ingredients such as glycerin and cetearyl alcohol are helpful. These ingredients in particular are hydrating because they attract water to skin and help to soften it.

Affordable Moisturizer with Hyaluronic Acid:

Cerave (this product also contains ceramides which help the create a protective barrier on the skin, and are particularly helpful for people with skin conditions such dry skin and eczema.)

4. SPF for all skin types and colors!

SPF is the most underrated and overlooked part of skincare, and it needs to become a part of your skincare routine if you want healthy skin.

We love the Sun, make no mistake. It has a healing quality and it helps raises our serotonin levels, but too much of a good thing can still be damaging.

Some with darker skin tones or even those in colder climates may not be aware of how the skin may ignore how much the Sun can still affect your skin. UV exposure happens everywhere and to everyone.

Consistent sunscreen application allows us to receive all the lovely benefits that the Sun wants to provide us with, while limiting some of the potential harmful effects that might happen with constant exposure.

Recommended product:

Supergoop Unseen Sunscreen (also a primer for makeup and contains frankincense, which keeps out bacteria and helps with puffiness and helps to improve skin tone and elasticity)

5. Primer

If you wear makeup on a regular basis, primer is a key component for a natural, non-cakey look. This creates a protective barrier for the skin to keep potential harmful ingredients out as well as creating a clean, finished look.

6. No makeup on your nose!

By placing foundation on face (after primer) on everywhere but the nose, it creates the illusion that you’re not wearing any makeup at all. This is because the nose is the center point of the face and if the center of the face is bare, the rest of the face will look more natural.

It is important to still wear sunscreen there and if you want to place a little bit of highlighter on the nose to create other optical illusions then do so, but save the foundation for other parts of the face.

Recommended product:

Supergoop Glow Screen (which is an SPF and highlighter in one)

Helpful Tip:

When applying foundation, I just use my clean fingers! This eliminates the need for expensive brushes (which trap bacteria) and also the look that skin to skin creates is unmatched when it comes to natural beauty and achieving that natural, “just like skin” look.

6. Brow Gel

For a more natural look, eyebrows can make or break a look. A bushy brow is in and a flick or two of clear brow gel is all it takes to complete a natural look. The best part is you can stretch the time between those threading or waxing appointments and still look like a goddess.

Recommended Tips/Product(s):

E.L.F. Brow Gel (clear)… it’s cheap as hell and gets the job done.

Glossier Boy Brow is a pricier, more trendy product but it works great and will help you achieve that desired natural look as well.

… or just anything with a spoolie can clean up your look and your face will thank you.

7. Lip Balm

Our lips are often overlooked as well and also need some love! Hydrated and exfoliated lips will thank you by looking plump and juicy as ever. Slap some balm on them and give them a scrub every once in a while for a healthy look and a natural tone and hue.

Recommended Product/Helpful Tips:

Balm dotcom is a good product by Glossier, but any moisturizing and exfoliating product will do. Target has great selections as well.

8. Setting spray

Setting your makeup with setting spray will make sure your makeup doesn’t bleed or look chalky. Whether you want to create a matte or dewy affect, setting spray will help your makeup last and looking fresher for longer.

9. Water based to oil based (lighter to heavier)

When applying products to your face (post-cleanser), you would apply them in the order of thinner to thicker, lighter to heavier, water to oil based. This is so that your skin can drink and reap the full benefits of all of the goodness your products provide to it.

10. No oil around the eye area

If you decide to go bare faced during the day or for your nightly routine you decide to apply an oil or oil based-serum, you should avoid applying on or around the eye area. This starts from just above the eyebrows and just above the cheek bones and everywhere in between (think “raccoon” area or the area that an eye mask would cover. This is because the eye will draw the oil to it and that would be a nuisance, especially when you’re running late or just dead tired and ready to nod off.

Extra. Beauty calendar:

This is hands-down the best website I have found for beauty calendars. It follows and works with the moon cycles and lunar days. Our body is very affected by the moon, and when we attune our body with its rhythms we will shine brightly and be illumined like the moon in all of her glory.


Those are some of my personal tips and tricks for creating a natural look and healthy glow. Thanks for reading and hope it helps!

With Love,


